Your Silence Is To Painful For Someone

Your Silence Is To Painful For Someone

Somebody changed a lot since they lost you.

Someone changed after they let go of you or this person with the hermit energy and the five of swords.

It’s like this person had no choice but to reflect upon you or reflectabout you.

And they’re doing a lot of reflection when it comes to them thinking about you, because with the nine of swords, they can’t move forward because this person has changed.

They’ve changed into a completely different, entirely different person, so they have no choice but ha,

They have to reflect upon you and the past that they had with you in order to move forward.

But I see what happens with this person with the tower, the magician and the high Priestess.

They have to go against their intuition because they have to ghost, ghost and abandon the past that they had with you in order to in order for them to move forward because there’s a lot of regret.

But there’s also a lot of unresolved emotions, unresolved truth and unresolved trauma for this person, and they only discovered it in your absence.

They only discovered it when they were silent because with the five of Pentacles.

This person tried so hard to control the connection through manipulation through ego energy that that when they finally let go of you, they finally surrendered and they realised that they didn’t have any more energy or any input with the relationship because they had to let go entirely and completely.

So now this person’s kind of realising that in order to get over you, they actually have to reflect.

They have to go back and they have to think upon the past that they shared with you.

But what they’re doing is they’re ghosting and abandoning the past because they’re realising with the high Priestess that when they actually let you go, they didn’t listen to their intuition because this was always supposed to be a soulmate connection.

But they went against the soulmate connection because they were unhealed.

They weren’t ready for you.

When you came into their life, they were unprepared.


They were just rebounding or they were just getting into quick connections and quick relationships.

So when you came in, you were literally a bombshell in this person’s life, and this person still sees you as a bombshell that they see you as someone that they see you as someone that interrupted their life.

And you were someone that was supposed to shock this person because you were supposed to be someone to this person that made them grow and gave them so much happiness.

But because this person was still so emotionally withdrawn with the king of swords, this is why this person wasn’t ready to grow with you and change and heal.

So I see that what’s happening now is this person has no choice.

It’s like they have to grow you.

It’s that they have to abandon you because if they think back, if they reflect back, there’s so much more.

This person is coming to terms with so much more unresolved truth, unresolved emotions, unresolved trauma that they didn’t know they had before because they were so busy trying to stay in control of actually not losing you, that they didn’t realise that it took them changing into them into a completely different person.

After losing you to realise that the choice and the decision that they’ve made was not listening to their intuition, it was actually listening to the unhealed version of themselves.

But you changed this person because your absence is changing this person.

Your absence is making this person realise that you were a bombshell and you cannot be replaced.

And this person misses you all the time.

They miss you in other connections.

They miss you within other people.

But this person cannot go back in the past.

They cannot think about you.

Because if they do think about you even for a second, this person goes back to an energy where they feel heartbroken.

They feel lost and they feel such significant pain from losing you.

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